Sunday, September 15, 2013

tragedi susu..

this morning..when it all chaos to get ready to work+to send Kyla to baby sitter (BS)+to prepare her thingy+to hold her so that she will not put up her volume up+to get her daddy's cloth to work ready...THEN i remember i did not get the milk bottles yet. yes i do breast pump and pour it in 3 bottles everyday and give it to Kyla BS. basically the idea is eventhough i went to work she still can have the breast milk. and be healthy. he he.

so i run to the refrigerator and take the bottle full of milk but suddenly i dont know how.. i missed it and it fell on the floor, and crack. then i stepped ahead to take the towel to wipe it but unfortunately i stepped on the slippery milky floor and 'nangka busuk' is me. i thought my FM will shouting and ask what happen but wht i can hear is he happily have a happy talk with Kyla. urgh..

after a while..*still shocked with the tragedy..bhahaha.. en FM ask me wether to put the car seat in front or at the back..i just silent and give him a stress look

"dah kenapa buat muka macam tu?"

silent still-straight to the finish the milk thing..

"sayang..kenapa?" he shouted..

"sayang jatuh..sakit j***" i shouted from the kitchen


"sayang jatuh..sakit j***!!" a lil louder i shout..

he rushed to me and ask if anything bad happen..any injury...

"xder apa..stress je nih.. botol adik kat mana satu lagi?" tanya dalam nada stress..

en FM diam..and he runaway..hahahah..

#milk tragedy

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