Thursday, February 24, 2011

kalau lah aku lecturer dia...kuang asam sungguh.

this incident was like last week..yes i clearly remmber it, it was on thursay. i got a call from aini saying that she wants me to help her translate a document for her department.. and i have no problem at all as long as she bring it to me. i was so damn lazy to go to academic block .. i changed all my classes at PPPA now because cannt 'tahan' laa ..tiring u know when i have to go here and there plus your office is not on the ground.. :P . ok, back to the story, so, aini came to the office. so i used zaza'a table because aini is pregnant and i have a heart to no making her climbing that stairs to my room. zaza was not around at that time coz she had to go to somewhere i dont i started talking to aini and checking the translation. i was so focussed at that time because i cant do two things on a time. expecially reading. i can ignore wht ever happen around me when i'm aini was waiting patiently. then suddenly the 'budak kuang asam' came to the office.

BKA: kak zaza mana?
me: x der. dia pegi admin.
BKA: lama lagi ker? sy nk bayar yang MUET ni.
me: sy tak tahu. awk tunggu dia lah.

i continue talking to aini. aini gave a wierd face to me. as saying that "apa kene mamat ni"

BKA: dah kalo sy bayar je..kak amik duit nih pastu siap ah. sy datang nk bayar bende ni jer
me: eh, sy x tahu apa2..nanti kalo ada bende2 yang awk kene isi ke..apa ke..awk tunggu kak zaza ah..

i was distracted already at that time. as i said, i'm READING.

BKA: bukan apa pun..nih bayar untuk nota je nih..amik pastu xder ahh.. lagipun bukan yg sy punya..saya tolong bayarkan untuk kawan2 sy.

aku dh bengang dah... cant he see that i'm busy reading and i was dealing with someone else. pluss..its not my job.

me: sy mmg tak tahu. awk tunggu je la ehh..
aini: gini ah...awk bg no phone duit pastu kak zaza call awk balik

*alaa. malas nyer nk layan budak ni

BKA: dah kak zaza gi mana?
me: ehh awk ni...dia gi admin *suara aku dah agak tinggi

ok, fine. i;m about to call zaza asking her to get back soon, because i started feeling my hot blood is melting.
and i took my phone, looking for zaza's number...but suddenly he said

BKA: haa boleh tak call dia ..suruh balik

*perghhhh..kuang hajar punya budak..aku nk tolong pun dh cukup baik. xder rasa nk tambah perkataan "tolong" pun kat depan..pastuh nk suruh2 aku plak.confirm aku dh hot..because i replied

me: ehh..awk nih...

aku hempas phone aku

me: tunggu lah awk situ..malas sy nk tolong call...berlagak sangat!

after i finish the words, zaza faced in. budak tuh sengeh2.

me: haa tuh..kak zaza dh balik..tak sabar2!! *sah suara aku tinggi...and i;m about to continue my unsettle work with aini...tiba-tiba

BKA: eh, jangan ah marah!

hot! hot!

me: dah awk yang kuang ajar ngn saya.
BKA: bila sy kuang ajar nye?!bila?
me: haaa itu pun dah kuang ajar tuh..tinggi suara..
BKA: bila plak sy kuang ajar?
me: eh. awk tahu x awk bercakap ngn sapa ni?
BKA: tak kira ahh sapa pun...tapi sy x cakap kuang ajar.

aku lost...kalo aku sambung pun..agak2 abis ker tak?zaza senyap...farah tambah..."ermm dah besar sangat laa tuh..."

BKA: bila ntah kuang ajar..dok tahu bende!

beb!!! atas muka aku dia sembur perkataan tuh...DOK TAHU BENDE!!! aku rasa nk pagi pelempang!!

*last2 skali air mata menitik sebb sakit ati x leh nk marah...i'm hoping so much that he will be my student next semester...tahu laa aku ajar budak tuh....kaw2 aku bagi dalam kelas...*sempat menyumpah2 sekejab, the a few minutes after that..i realize its not good talking bad to student. so i change it ... doa aku untuk budak kuang asam tuh...dirahmati Allah dan sejahtera keatasnya ... amin.


  1. adoiii miss...gilek ark budak tuuu..tu laa miss muda sgt.die da xle nk differentiate whether miss ni student or lecturer. ngeeee~~~

  2. intan: nak je...kalo boleh nk pulas kepala arah jam 3 kali!!
    nabila: i likeee...i muda ehh..

  3. cube ko bgtaw die..ko bkn staf n ko tu lecterer

  4. ish2...masyaallah..

  5. baru nk cakap...dia dah potong!!

  6. huh~!ape kessss budak tu!!~geram pulak rasenye..
    dia tu betul ke x?ada wayar slh smbung kut..ngeee~~~camner nak berkat belajar kalau citu?isyh3x.sape lah tu.
    btw, sabar ye miss..sob3x..=(


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