Monday, May 05, 2008

Komentar Diterima...

i think quite for a long time i never been criticized by any body..and guess what yesterday..i receive an extreme comment(at least for me) about myself...he said i always using un appropriate language while i speak to people..u know such as use 'bodoh', 'bengong'...and it make me think again about all the words..yes it is true the words are rude for some people..but pls..i wont use those words when i spoke to someone i dont really know..i mean i'm not close to..its kind of a recognition to some one that i feel comfortable with. and in that case the guy that advice me yesterday couldn't accept my style..then i decide i'll change but i really2 sure that i'll became a fake him the same time..i took the advice is a fact that people only give advice (friend 2 friend) when the feel close to them and they have the right to make them know wht they think bout other person...then, the guy must be think the same way to i have to take his words kindly.huhuhu...

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